COVER STORY: EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR Bill Weaver, CEO of Canyon Creek Cabinet Co., has led the Monroe-based business to increased sales and new markets
BUSINESS NEWS Tenants begin moving into the Nautica, a mixed-use complex in downtown Everett
Employers can take steps to protect employee and client information from being used by identity thieves
Snohomish Countys jobless rate continues to rise
A report finds that one-third of local businesses surveyed expect to lay off workers this spring
The Big Kmart store in Edmonds will be one of six in the state to close
Pending home sales drop, but prices remain strong
Aerospace Briefs
HEALTH CARE Valley General Hospital plans a major expansion to meet the growing needs of the community
A trio of chiropractors shares a passion for the profession as well as a brotherly bond
A panel of local health-care leaders say the system is ailing
Everetts Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultants clinic closes its doors
Virginia Mason Lynnwood expands its services at its new facility
BUSINESS PROFILE With its detection devices, Mukilteo-based CombiMatrix Corp. is on the front lines of bioterrorism
CHAMBER PROFILE The Greater Arlington Area Chamber of Commerce aims to lure people downtown
WORKING WHEELS A Kenmore-based auction company puts working wheels from trucks to sedans up for bid
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT New state research finds that Snohomish County is highly dependent on manufacturing jobs
From an event center to mall expansion, redevelopment projects around Snohomish County represent a large investment in the future
The South Snohomish County Public Facilities District drops efforts to buy a former Cadillac dealership and looks elsewhere for land
Six east-county cities are joining forces to share in future economic growth
COLUMNS Economic Outlook: A new public/private committee has been formed to tackle permit reform
Financial Focus: Still havent filed your income-tax forms? Here are some last-minute tips
Realty Markets: The right price for a property differs with a persons view of the economy
Marketing Mentor: Use STP to get marketing results
Managing People: Employment at-will may be the general rule, but employers need to take steps to protect the doctrine in the workplace
Managers Memo: Dont short-change intuition in the decision-making process
Business 101: The Enron debacle has highlighted the need for managers to get a grip on financials
OPINION Keep e-mail an efficient part of doing business by filtering out pesky spam
State lawmakers can learn from British Columbias past mistakes and current reforms
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